NEW GUIDED MEDITATION CLASS - starts Fri 20th Sep 7:30pm

This NEW Guided Meditation class led by teacher Ashley Bowcock will help calm your mind, settle your body and find a softer focus to your day. During these guided sessions you will explore a variety of meditation practices which draw conscious awareness to the present moment via different channels such as breath, body, thoughts, senses, movement and environment.

Reflect, Relax, Rest.


"I've been interested in meditation for a number of years and have practiced a variety of methods, staying at ashrams in Thailand and India to develop my personal practice, learning how to teach and share meditation as a positive tool to help improve people's lives and wellbeing. My personal journey began with the realisation that I'm a huge over thinker who thinks myself into more stressful situations than were actually reality. For me meditation is a way to explore and understand my thoughts, quietening my mind and bringing myself to a more positive space, rather than letting my mind run on auto-pilot. I'm interested in helping people use meditation for a purpose that resonates with themselves. It's also nice to just help people relax after a stressful day in the constructed hustle of life. I have huge passion to share meditation techniques with others and see the positive impacts it can have on their lives. I look forward to meeting you all and spending time learning and relaxing together!"

- Ashley Bowcock