Hygiene and safety measures

If you feel unwell please do not come to practice at the studio.

Temporary measures we have in place to keep you safe
✔ Contact-free access
✔ More space between mats (maximum 6 students)
✔ Windows, door and skylight will remain open during practice for good air-flow
✔ Studio cleaned after every session

Please bring your own yoga mat, a bottle of water and arrive dressed ready for yoga. The front door will be opened 15mins before class and propped open to make access contact-free. They'll be a socially distanced queuing system in the corridor so please be patient and mindful of yourself and others' safety. We would like to encourage wearing masks when arriving and moving around the studio. 

Hand sanitiser should be used upon entry to the studio. There are markings on the floor to indicate where your mat should be placed and your personal things kept. There will be no communal hanging pegs, yoga mats, props. Tea, water and WC/showers will only be available for staff (except in an emergency). Teachers will remain on their mat during class. No assists. Face masks can be removed and placed on your mat during practice.

At the end of the class, students will be asked to remain on their mats whilst the teacher opens the studio exit doors. Students will then leave the studio one at a time via the front door corridor. There will be more time between classes to avoid congestion. The studio will be cleaned and sterilised every day with deep cleaning twice a week.
