Studio 54 continuing classes

We are closely following the government and NHS guidelines regarding COVID-19 in order to ensure that the studio remains a safe and welcoming place. 

It is important to stay calm, and as we're all aware the practice of yoga is extremely helpful in keeping us present, grounded and strong. At this stage, we need plenty of sleep, good hydration, a nutritious diet and a healthy lifestyle in order to strengthen our immune system and fight infection. 

If you have any symptoms of a cold, cough, fever or generally feel unwell please DO NOT come to class.

It is essential that we all continue to wash our hands thoroughly before entering the studio, use a yoga towel or hand towel on our mat for practice, use tissues and are mindful of personal space and social distancing.

In order to protect the health of our teachers, students, families and community, we are now introducing some further precautionary measures at the studio.

* Reduced number of classes on timetable
For the time being the studio timetable has been reduced with back to back classes temporarily suspended.

* Reduced class capacity
Class sizes will now be limited to 11 students plus the teacher.

* Staggered mats
Staggering spaces between mats will allow more personal space. 

* LIVE STREAMING of classes
We're going to introduce LIVE STREAMING of some classes to allow you to practice in a group class at home with a LIVE teacher instructing and cueing. More details on the website and timetable.

These measures will be in place for the immediate future but as we are in a rapidly changing situation, guidance will be monitored and reviewed on a daily basis. There is the possibility that classes may need to be cancelled at short notice, so please make sure that you check your messages and the website for any updates.

Studio 54 reduced timetable Mon 16-29 March 2020

Studio 54 reduced timetable Mon 16-29 March 2020