Staying healthy - extra precautions

Staying healthy - extra precautions

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In order to maintain good health amongst our community we are taking extra precautions at the studio, for the time being, to make sure it remains a safe and welcoming environment for us all.

All our mats, props, bottles, common surfaces and handles are sprayed and wiped down before and after every class. The teachers at Studio 54 will be exercising further precautions and there are a number of things you can do to help...

* Wash your hands
Please wash your hands with soap before entering the studio or use the hand sanitiser now provided at the entrance. We have three wash basins available in the studio for your use (two in the corridor and one in the shower room). 

* Bring a hand towel to class
If you have your own yoga mat you are welcome to bring it, if not, please bring your own towel to use during practice. It doesn’t need to be a yoga towel - a hand towel will work just as well. If you don’t have one, then we sell them at the studio.

* Spray your mat after class
All the mats are sprayed with our natural disinfectant. Please spray and wipe down your mat / props thoroughly after class.

* Look after yourself and others
If you need to sneeze, for whatever reason, please use a tissue and dispose of straight away before washing your hands. If that's not possible for some reason please sneeze into your elbow.

* Stay at home if you feel unwell
If you do feel unwell, please don’t come to class and instead focus on rest and recuperation. 

Being mindful of these simple steps will help us all stay healthy.