loving kindness

Buddhist practice metta bhavana or loving kindness

It's the time of the year for kindness, compassion and gratitude to yourself and others. 

Loving kindness to oneself, is about being realistic and knowing your limits, how much you can give and your boundaries. If you have the rising feeling that you are giving and giving and resentment is building up, take this as a sign that you need to spend time being kind and loving to yourself.

Buddhism, which the mindfulness field has mostly drawn from, works from the principle that kindness always needs to start at home. You can only really be there for others if you have a strong foundation of self-love, self-kindness and confidence to tap into. 

New 30 DAY YOGA CHALLENGE starts September 2021

Practice yoga every day throughout September (with one rest day per week) and reap the benefits of a more regular practice to ease stress, reduce anxiety levels, boost confidence and improve sleep.


How does it work?

(A)  Book your classes on the timetable [www.hotyogapeckham.co.uk/book-now].

(B)  If you don’t make a class one day then you can subscribe to the YouTube channel @hotyogapeckham with free access to sequences and pranayama [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvke5exuzpEEp_wl4aiDv2g?view_as=subscriber]

(C)  Record your daily practice, weekly challenges and gratitudes on your personal progress chart

(D)  Stay connected during your journey via our WhatsApp group and discuss challenges and small victories!

(E)  Everyone who completes the challenge will be entered into a prize-draw to win a FREE YOGA MAT!

Free for members!

This challenge is free to all Monthly Members. If you’re not currently a member then there’s currently a special introductory offer 1st Month Pass (£40). Two memberships can run simultaneously.

Can I join later?

Yes. If you miss the start and still want to take part that’s no problem at all. You can join the 30 day challenge at any time, just start coming to classes and record your progress. Join in when you can as we’d love to have you onboard!

How do I start?

Just let me know if you’re interested and I’ll add you to the group and send your 30 Day Calendar chart! Download and keep a record of your journey. Let’s lift ourselves up and support each other!! 


July trial

As we're still working with limited capacity we're going to trial some new/extra class times and teachers:-

Mon 6pm & 7.30pm with Manu
Tue 12.45-1.30pm with Corinna
Fri 12.30-1.30pm with Darcie

NOTE: Monthly Members can make Recurring Reservations in their preferred classes - please contact Stevie to arrange.